Special Relativity is often a challenging subject to many students due to the counter-intuitive nature of its predictions. This is further exasperated by the Lorentz Transformation equations which many students find difficult to manipulate. In this series of PER talk, Dr. Tatsu Takeuchi, Professor of Physics, from Virgina Tech University will discuss how we can use spacetime diagrams to explain the essence to Special Relativity without resorting to equations at all. The impossibility of exceeding the speed of light, Lorentz contraction and time dilation, the twin paradox, red shift and blue shift, and even the relativistic addition of velocities can all be understood without using equations. Please join us on following date and time.
Date and Time: Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. US ET
(Nepal Time: Saturday, Falgun 10, 2081 at 8:45 p.m.)
Where?: WebEx (Registration required for Non-ANPA members)
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