
Conference Timeline

Conference Timeline
Feb 15th: Abstract Submission Opens
Please plan to submit the abstract(s).
May 1st: Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract Submission Closes.
May 15th: Abstract Acceptance Notice
ANPA will notify you of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract via email by this date.
June 15: Registration Deadlines
Please register the conference
July 17th: Conference Begins
Conference officially begins.
July 20th: Conference Concludes.


We have been conducting the Quantum Computing Study group since the Fall of 2020 and is being continued every semester. Participants during this study group have been able to successfully complete and win certifications from IBM.

Researchers who are residing in the USA and working in different fields have been brought together by ANPA in order to conduct a mentorship program where they will be guiding students for thesis B.Sc. 4th-year project work, M.Sc. thesis, or even Ph.D. dissertation.

Scientists invited from different fields of physical sciences present their research every month.

ANPA student travel grant (ASTG) award aims to assist students with funding to increase their professional activities through their participation at national/international conferences in the field of physical sciences and/or engineering.


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