Tika R Kafle, Ph.D.
Tika R Kafle, Ph.D.Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab, NM, US
AMO and Plasma

Message from Division Chair

Atomic, Molecular, Optical, and Plasma (AMOP) Physics fundamentally studies light, matter, and interactions at atomic and molecular levels. It deals with protons, electrons, ions, and their collective behavior in response to electric and magnetic fields. AMOP encompasses a broad area including but not limited to the following disciplines:

  • Generation of light-source, ultrafast laser, and applications
  • Light-induced emergent behavior in quantum materials
  • Non-linear optics, biomedical optics and nano-optics
  • Plasma physics – laboratory, space, and astrophysical
  • The behavior of atoms in an ultracold, ground, and excited state
  • Terahertz physics, metamaterials, and nanophotonic structures
  • Precision measurement, quantum information, and sensing
  • Plasma–matter interaction and applications
  • Ultrafast Spectroscopy

The AMOP division was established from the outset of the first ANPA conference, aiming to bring together students and researchers – both from academia and industry to present and discuss their research, innovation, and technology related to AMOP physics, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration within the community and across the globe. We cordially invite researchers, scientists, and experts from various disciplines for abstract submission and look forward to seeing your exciting science during the conference.

Conference Timeline

Conference Timeline
Feb 15th: Abstract Submission Opens
Click here to Submit Abstract.
May 1st: Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract Submission Closes.
May 15th: Abstract Acceptance Notice
ANPA will notify you of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract via email by this date.
June 15: Registration Deadlines
Your Content Goes Here
July 17th: Conference Begins
Conference officially begins.
July 20th: Conference Concludes.

Division Schedule