Tika R Kafle, Ph.D.
Tika R Kafle, Ph.D.Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab, NM, US
AMO and Plasma

Message from Division Chair

Atomic, Molecular, Optical, and Plasma Physics Division focuses on fundamental interactions of atoms, molecules, optical media, and charged particles to laser lights, x rays, or other novel sources of electric and magnetic fields. These fundamental interactions are important to understand natural phenomena such as solar flares, the birth of stars, and lightning, as well as to advance modern technology such as the development of efficient light bulbs, plasma televisions, lasers, and modern infrastructures for quantum computers. We will have one invited talk from an expert in the field and several contributed talks from young scholars.

Conference Timeline

Conference Timeline
Feb 15th: Abstract Submission Opens
Click here to Submit Abstract.
May 1st: Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract Submission Closes.
May 15th: Abstract Acceptance Notice
ANPA will notify you of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract via email by this date.
June 15: Registration Deadlines
Your Content Goes Here
July 17th: Conference Begins
Conference officially begins.
July 20th: Conference Concludes.

Division Schedule