Bulletin of ANPA

Abstract submitted to ANPA Conference July 14–16, 2023

Volume 5, Number 1

Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics
Abstract ID: ANPA2023-N00025


ANPA2023-N00025: Development of ultrafast X-ray sources driven by femtosecond lasers at the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) Beamlines facility


  • Uddhab Chaulagain; Scientist, Laser Plasma Physicist, ELI Beamlines, Prague, Czech Republic

ELI Beamlines, one of the pillars of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure project (ELI), is a high-power laser facility. The facility hosts several state-of-the-art, high-power laser systems ranging from a few Terawatt (PW) peak power to 10 PW (Petawatt) peak power. The main objective of the facility is to provide beams of ultrashort particles and photons sources to the user community from various fields of research. In this contribution I will introduce the ELI beamlines project, summarize the current status of research and implementation of three types of X-ray sources: the HHG Beamline, the plasma X-ray source, the Gammatron beamline based on laser-plasma accelerator (LPA), and a Betatron source dedicated to plasma physics research. X-ray pulse sources driven by high peak power kHz femtosecond lasers such as high-order harmonic sources and plasma X-ray sources have been commissioned and already entered the operation phase. The second LPA-based hard X-ray Betatron X-ray is being developed in the ELI plasma physics platform (P3) located at the experimental hall E3. It aims to serve as a backlighter for advanced laser-matter interaction experiments such as high-energy-density physics, intense laser-matter interaction, and advanced plasma physics experiments combined with multiple laser beams. _x000D_ _x000D_ Besides, I will present an advanced scheme for the enhancement of hard X-ray photon flux by using the density-tailored plasma to control relativistic electron orbits and nonlinear resonances due to interaction with a two-color laser field. In addition, I will report a new mechanism of relativistic emission of radiation from plasma mirrors (RIME) that is identified with an extraordinary property that instead of following specular reflection, the radiation is emitted in the direction along the plasma mirror surface. The efficiency of this process can be orders of magnitude higher when compared to specular HHG originating from the relativistic oscillating mirror (ROM) for the same laser and plasma parameters.

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